Classes Canceled!

Sr. Kathleen RyanEvents / Fundraisers, Press

There will be no classes on Tuesday, January 29 in the evening, all day Wednesday, January 30 and all day Thursday, January 31. The center will be closed. Please stay warm and safe!


Sr. Kathleen RyanEvents / Fundraisers, Press

CENTER CLOSED! The Dominican Literacy Center is closed today, Monday, January 28, 2019. No classes at 9:30 a.m. , 11:00 a.m., 1:00, p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Be warm and be safe today!

Christmas Raffle Profit: $940.75 (Best yet!!!)

Sr. Kathleen RyanEvents / Fundraisers

Raffle winners: ·         Doll and handmade clothing:  Angelina Bernardini ·         Bird Feeder:  Gina Scowins ·         Multicolored throw:  Diane Meyers ·         Pitcher:  Linda Rohr ·         Cradle:  Maureen Russell ·         Child’s chair/stepladder:  Haley Nguyen

Aurora’s Dominican Literacy Center invites donations- Tue, Nov 27

Sr. Kathleen RyanEvents / Fundraisers, Press

Aurora’s Dominican Literacy Center invites donations on Tuesday, Nov. 27, through Giving Tuesday, a national online social movement. Center director Sister Kathleen Ryan, said “Giving Tuesday inspires people to give back after Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone. DLC donors can do good, quickly and easily.” Donations can be made by, clicking on Ways to … Read More